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Conversation Between wålf-kun and hinarei

46 Visitor Messages

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  1. it's a shame you two haven't met, you'd have something to talk about, at least Mind you, there may be some sort of explosion

    "If it bleeds, let it" should be a motto of the NBB. We don't like killing things, because they're less fun that way I haven't yet come across Karin. I'll have a snoop and see what its about. Got any sites that'll tell me more about it, or any pics that might help to convince me to see it?
  2. Aye, target acquired indeed. Never ever think I've spoken to him directly (well, that I've replied to his posts and vice versa that is ), so all I know is from his profile.

    Well, gotta say like Arnold then "If it bleeds, we can kill it" And it's not you personally I'm jabbing at, more just at the general population on those little islands of yours But of course, there's no denying your well-meant blood donations to the NBB When on the Topic: ever seen the anime "Karin"? (it's also released in English as "Chibi Vampire")
  3. threw several of us completely Why register a whole other account when this one was going so well? Ah well, I reckon he's a happy bunny, whatever/whoever he's been doing. He's got loads more posts than you. You have your target

    Anemic?!! I bleed in moderation and have strong blood, not weak I very much resent that remark my blood's so strong and plentiful it's trying to make room for more
  4. Aye, he seemed like a mighty good guy! Disappeared just before I appeared fooling some of the older members He can still boast more posts than me as well Even though I dare say - if the HFF still counted and without some of the good old rollbacks I think I'd be past and gone And of course he's got good taste in interests! He's one of the pack, after all. Not some anemic British silly

    I was thinking some mini-Chiyos on a leach, maybe a substitute Osaka if things get rough. But sure, I'd love 501s if you have any to spare
  5. I often wondered where our Wolfie went. Such a shame he poofled. Be nice to see him on again... very similar interests to you, actually... AzuDai-mad, Danish and daft

    Imagine you'll employ a raven to sight land? You may be able to convince a Strike Witch to scout for you
  6. My name has actually never been spelled with a capital W - low case all the way, beybeeh But of course, the awesome wolf-kun had a pretty impressive streak some 3 years ago I guess.

    Aye, I'm afraid imported electronics just won't withstand sand as well as our superior longships! I'll get down to making some wooden casings with lots of good, old tar to make it across the Atlantic
  7. when were those days? O_o I know of a Wolf that did that, but not of a wålf I will gladly welcome a 10-post-per-day wålfie if there's one in the offing

    Sand?? you stay offline because of sand? a beach should pose no obstacle to a determined Nordic! rubbish!
  8. Hehe, remember the good old days when I had 10 posts a day as average and spent hours thread-digging for something else to post in Afraid those days are but a sweet memory, though...

    I'll do my best, but you know, the screen gets hard to read and sand gets into the computer, so even wireless and laptop can't save every day Always a good time when I log on, though
  9. well, you can't have everything, I suppose Wish you was on every day. We miss you when you're quiet, y'know

    I appreciate people have different calls on their time, so I'm grateful you managed to get back here at all Thanks for popping in, at least. Sunny day's never stopped me from getting online, not since the prevalence of wireless tech
  10. Ash, exams, summertime and sunny days, they're all a real hindrance for a poor animeb lurker, I'm afraid I'll try to be good and stay on from time to time now, though Probably not every day but at least once a week.
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