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Conversation Between Katajainen and tainted violets

23 Visitor Messages

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  1. ...Not a problem for me that way either. Good luck with cleaning your PM box. I have been working on mine today.
  2. ...the suubox doesn't want to send my shouts for some reason. It's not "don't feel like answering", more like I want to answer it but don't know what to say~
  3. Hm...just looking at our conversation, and I seemed to have somehow missed your last message. I've always just known "OM NOM NOM" as an internet thing, I didn't know it was from Sesame Street.
  4. Since when have I had a cult?
  5. I meant the latter question like, where have you taken this "om nom nom" from.

    The Urban Dictionary claims:

    "om nom: The sound of ravenous eating. Popularized by the character Cookie Monster on Sesame street, it is now used commonly in speech, especially among younger people. Cookie Monster exclaims "OM NOM NOM NOM" when gobbling down cookies (and whatever else goes in his mouth). (...) Cookie Monster: 'COOOKIES!!!!!! OM NOM NOM NOM' (Eats everything, including plate)"

    This sounds like a plausible explanation of origin. "Sesame Street" was first aired in Finland in 1997, which is so late from my point of view that I have only encountered it while consuming international web culture.
  6. Eh, I felt like being different. I really identify with Yue, though...something about her just seems similar to me.

    And I'm "OM NOM NOM"ing because I have nothing else to say.
  7. What made you put up a Yue avatar?

    Where does "om nom nom" come from?
  8. Referring to what you told Animefreak not so long ago:

    Oh, but this is a blog, if only you abuse the board correctly!

    I have no idea why writing a diary feels easier here than it does on Blogger. Maybe because here I usually get at least one comment by KC every six months?
  9. Why have I not friended you before now?
    *is completely random*
  10. *is a Doctor Tox now*

    Ah, thanks. That's good to know (I'd like to use a smiley right now, but nooo, there's that stupid little bet...)
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