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Thread: Toko's Fics

  1. #1
    Aniki is my King
    Join Date
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    Toko's Fics

    Well, I wanted to post this just because I'm happy I actually put this story somewhere . There's the link there because I'd like reviews there, but if you guys can't be bothered and post your review here, that's cool too. Mainly, I just want feedback so I can know what I need to improve on.

    If Setsuna Was Gay, a Mahou Sensei Negima fanfic - FanFiction.Net


    Setsuna Sakurazaki sighed, flopping down sideways onto her bed. ‘I know it’s summer and all, but why’s it have to be so…hot?’ Setsuna could tolerate most anything…she could withstand an attack from a high-level demon, and hold her own while sparring with the best of swordsmen. Unfortunately, though, heat was a not as easy to defeat.

    The dark haired girl wiped some sweat from her forehead and carefully loosened her ever-present school uniform’s tie. She hesitated a moment, then unbuttoned the top button of her shirt. That’s a little better, she thought. Not much, but it’s a start. Setsuna vaguely acknowledged that this little action had nothing to do with the plot and was just senseless fan service, but she quickly brushed it away.

    Now that she was a bit more relaxed, a wave of exhaustion hit the swordswoman. ‘Heh…I guess that’s what happens when you’re out training in this unbearable heat.’ Instead of fighting the drowsiness, Setsuna succumbed to it, letting sleep slowly fill her body. ‘Warm weather always makes me sleepy…not that I’m complaining…’ Her thoughts were starting to drift away when a loud BANG came from the entrance to her room, causing Setsuna to sit up in shock.

    “Secchan, Secchan!” the perpetrator cried, launching herself onto the raven haired girl.

    The swordswoman immediately became alert. “What’s wrong, ojou-sama?” It wasn’t often (or at all) that Setsuna’s charge would burst into her room like that.

    Konoka Konoe just smiled. “What made you think something was wrong, Secchan?” ‘Hmm…maybe the fact that you suddenly came into my room yelling my name at the top of your lungs?’ “I just have something to tell you, that’s all.” Somehow, though, Konoka’s news seemed less than happy. The healer rarely adopted an expression of such a serious nature.

    Still, nothing could hide the tremendous drop of tension in the room after Setsuna heard this. She knew couldn’t relax yet, though. There was, after all, still the matter of Konoka’s mild distress.

    Setsuna chose this moment of silence to pry her childhood friend off of her, so that the two girls were now facing each other on the bed.

    “So…what is it that you wanted to tell me?” Setsuna asked, her voiced laced with caution.

    “Well, Asuna and me were on the train, right?” Setsuna nodded. ‘That seems normal enough…’ “There was this girl sitting right next to us. She was smiling at me and talking to me…” ‘Nothing wrong with this picture yet’.

    But the swordswoman had thought too soon. “She was being really friendly. I…I think she was coming onto me.” Setsuna froze. …What? Why? How?’ She gripped the covers of her bed tightly, trying to ease her sudden shock and… was it…jealousy?

    Konoka, meanwhile, was silently laughing to herself. All was going according to plan…

    But the madness didn’t stop there. The young healer continued her story with another shocker, “I think she might’ve thought I…was gay!” She giggled, not able to conceal the humor of the situation this time. Setsuna, however, was much too wrapped up in her own thoughts to notice this.
    n a fit of confusion, the swordswoman plopped herself back onto the bed. Finally, after several moments of awkward silence, Setsuna cleared her throat. “Sooo…why are you telling me this?” This was obvious. Of course, as Konoka’s protector, she should be concerned about all of Konoka’s interactions. Nevertheless, she continued. “Why should I care? I don’t care. What’d you have for lunch today?” she said, changing subjects a bit too quickly for normal conversation.

    Another giggle came from the chocolate-haired girl. “Oh, Secchan, you don’t have to get all defensive about it-“

    “I’M NOT GETTING DEFENSIVE ABOUT IT!” the girl cried. Her voice held an almost hysterical tone. However, Setsuna quickly realized that she had lost it, and again cleared her throat. “Why should I care about some…gay girl you met? I was just sitting here, trying to relax…”

    Konoka smiled knowingly. “Oh, I didn’t mean anything by it, Secchan. I just think it’s something that we should be able to talk about.”

    “I don’t want to talk about it, ojou-sama. This conversation is over.” To prove her point, Setsuna rolled onto her side so she was facing a wall of her dorm room, but more importantly, not Konoka.

    Somehow, Konoka was still finding this situation amusing. “Yeah, but Secchan-” she continued, a smile playing on her lips.

    “Over!” the samurai cut her off firmly. It was indeed a rare occasion that Setsuna would be so insistent with her ward, but she really didn’t want to get involved in this conversation.

    Then, out of nowhere, a light yet cheery riff of music started to play. Konoka, apparently deciding to ignore this strange happening, spoke over it. “Okay, well, just so you know…”

    Setsuna mentally sweat-dropped. ‘Please tell me I’m not the only one hearing this sudden music…’

    “If you were gay,” Konoka began, singing in a surprisingly light tone for the seriousness of what she had just said. “That’d be okay.” ‘Is she…saying what I think she’s saying?’ Setsuna shook her head. Surely, she was imagining this. But how odd, for Konoka to be saying…no, singing such things in Setsuna’s head of all places.

    “I mean ‘cause hey,” Konoka suddenly burst out with a somewhat insane “HA,” then continued on with her song/life lesson, “I’d like you anyway.” At this, Setsuna’s face turned a shade of tomato red for reasons only God knew.

    The chocolate haired girl smirked. All was falling into place. “Because, you see, if it were me,” Konoka resumed her song, “I would feel free to say…that I was gay!” As an afterthought, the mage added, “But I’m not gay.”

    Setsuna groaned. She was in far too deep at this point, but maybe there was still chance for escape…

    Setsuna turned around to face Konoka. ”Kono-chan,” the raven haired girl started, using the childhood nickname to tempt her friend from saying anything more. When this appeared to have no affect on the mage, Setsuna persisted. “Kono-chan, please, I just wanted to sleep after training.”

    The girls just sat there for a moment, with Konoka staring at Setsuna. The only noise that could be heard was the music, which had oddly grown louder. Finally, Setsuna sweat-dropped from the pseudo-silence, along with her friend’s intent gaze. “What?”

    “If you were queer,” Konoka continued, still looking at Setsuna.

    “Ah, Kono-chan!” Setsuna exclaimed. For her Kono-chan to be saying something like that, a word so…vulgar, and in context to the swordswoman herself... ‘Wait, when did she become my Kono-chan?’ This brought on another shade of color in Setsuna’s face, which did not go unnoticed by the young healer.

    “I’d still be here,” the girl sang, closing her eyes, and, apparently really getting into the song.

    “Kono-chan, I’m trying to sleep,” Setsuna complained, making a last-ditch attempt at freedom from this horrid song.

    “Year after year,” Konoka kept on with her singing, now ignoring the shorter girl she had been staring at.

    “Kono-chan!” Oh, Setsuna was really grasping at straws now.

    “Because you’re dear to me,” the chocolate haired healer now opened her eyes while singing, just in time to see her friend facepalm. “And I know that you…”

    “What?” Setsuna asked, breaking off Konoka’s rather long note.

    “Would accept me too,” she was grinning more and more by the second, she couldn’t help herself.

    “I would?” her bodyguard asked. ‘Of course you would, stupid! After all…’ Setsuna blushed, not letting her internal conversation go any further than that.

    “If I told you today, ‘Hey! Guess what, I’m gay!’” Konoka all but shouted, then added, “But I’m not gay.”
    Setsuna stiffened. Why did her stomach drop every time Konoka said that?

    “I’m happy, just being with you,” Konoka was now giving Setsuna a weird look, but the swordswoman had turned back on her side and was currently using her arms as a makeshift pillow, muttering something about training. “So what should it matter to me what you do in bed with girls?”

    “Kono-chan! That’s so…vulgar!” Setsuna cried, now alert and sitting up due to her friend’s last cheery sentence. ‘Does Kono-chan really think that I…? But I haven’t even done anything like that yet…’

    Konoka smiled happily. “Maybe a little,” she conceded. She then cleared her throat, and began singing at full volume. “If you were gay…I’d shout HOORAY!”

    “I’m not listening,” Setsuna said quietly, and as a result, the loud Konoka, so wrapped up in the music, didn’t hear her. Setsuna was now holding her hands over both her ears. How childish.

    “And here I’d stay...”

    “LA LA LA LA LA!”

    “But I wouldn’t get in your way,” Konoka said knowingly.

    “Aaah!” Setsuna screamed, now beyond frustrated and flustered at the song.

    “You can count on me to always be…” the chocolate haired girl paid no attention to the sudden spasm of anger from the girl next to her, and the music began to calm down slightly. “…Beside you every day, to tell you it’s okay, you were just born that way…” Konoka giggled, and Setsuna’s blush deepened. “And as they say, it’s in your DNA! You’re gay!”

    “But I’m not gay!” Setsuna exclaimed, trying but failing to get her point across.

    “If you were gay,” Konoka finished, as if the ‘if’ would somehow make a difference in what she was saying.

    “Argh!” Setsuna facepalmed, and the music ended.

    “How’d like my song?” Konoka asked the blushing girl. Of course, she already knew Setsuna’s answer, but it was fun to see her protector all flustered like that.

    “It was…different,” Setsuna said cautiously. She didn’t want to offend the mage, but she also didn’t want to deal with anything like that ever again. Ever.

    “Well, I think it holds an important life message,” the healer-mage continued, looking pointedly at the girl beside her on the bed. For some reason, her voice was now a low whisper, which Setsuna found just a bit arousing.

    “O-oh?” the swordswoman stuttered out. Her blush was all over her body now, and Konoka was slowly moving towards her. Konoka was now right next to Setsuna, her lips within centimeters of Setsuna’s ear. Her hand was resting on Setsuna’s fire engine-red cheek.

    “Yeah. I think you could…learn something from it,” Konoka whispered, her voice now low and husky, and not doing anything to help her companions growing blush. Her lips brushed against Setsuna’s ear as she spoke.

    “Interesting,” Setsuna replied. She couldn’t think of a way out of this situation, but did she really want out? Konoka being so close to her…she knew it was wrong, but it felt so right.

    “Really, Secchan, you shouldn’t be so adverse to new things,” the girl whispered before lowering her lips to meet Setsuna’s. At first, Setsuna was in shock and didn’t know how to react, but before she knew it she was slowly relaxing into Konoka’s soft lips, was kissing Konoka back with all her might. The swordswoman moaned into the other girl, and she was just about to deepen the kiss, moving her tongue against Konoka’s bottom lip, when the mage suddenly broke away. Setsuna gave a little hum of discontent.

    “Hey Secchan…didn’t you say you weren’t gay?” Konoka asked, the huskiness in her voice now replaced by a teasing tone.

    “I could say the same thing about you,” she countered.

    “Well…I lied.” Konoka stuck out her tongue in a matter-of-fact way.

    “What’s your excuse?”

    “Uhhh…ditto?” Setsuna replied. “Ojou-sama…it’s a bit awkward to admit, don’t you think?” She smiled. “Still, I have no problem with it. Being in love with you.”

    Konoka frowned. “Ojou-sama again, eh? We’ll have to fix that.” She lightly pushed Setsuna onto the bed, and the swordswoman lost her balance. Konoka then lay on top of her, straddling the girl below her. “Now…what’s my name?”

    Maybe it was the fact that Setsuna didn’t fully grasp the dangerous situation she was in. Maybe she wanted to the tables on Konoka for once, tease the younger girl instead. Or maybe it was just force of habit. All that is really known for sure is that the next words that escaped Setsuna Sakurazaki’s lips were “Ojou-sama.”

    Konoka leaned forward so that her nose was touching Setsuna’s, her hand inching its way up the samurai’s shirt. “You get one more try before the shirt comes off,” she said, too sweetly for the threat she had just made.
    Setsuna grinned. “Aw, but I had been planning to go to sleep after training…ojou-sama.”

    Konoka just gave Setsuna a seductive smile as her hands moved towards the buttons of her guardian’s shirt. “Oh, you won’t be getting any sleep any time soon.”


    Oh, and one more thing, it's nt a lemon Sorry Ryo and Hina
    Last edited by tainted violets; 30 Dec 2008 at 12:36 am.

    don't let anyone tell you that you're not beautiful
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  2. #2
    ™ is offline

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    a lemon?

  3. #3
    Get to the Choppah! Quicksilver's Avatar
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    Pretty nice work, and better than a lot of other Konosetsu fic's i've read.

    Maybe you could've shortened the singing bit a bit, as it did seem to drag by; but other than that it's fine~

  4. #4
    Aniki is my King
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    Ah, thanks. Well the singing was the main part I wanted to get out, so..yeah. I was a bit concerned when writing it, though...

    don't let anyone tell you that you're not beautiful
    even me, especially me

  5. #5
    Aniki is my King
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    Avenue Q.

    That was one of the best songs, but i preferred it sucks to be me.

  6. #6
    Insane crazy person Josun's Avatar
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    Nice. I would have enjoyed a lemon more (as would ryo and hina ) but its still good

  7. #7
    Getting Started
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    Isn't this from "If You Were Gay" from Avenue Q?

  8. #8
    Aniki is my King
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    Yeah, it is. The song somehow made me think of KonoSetsu.

    Well, I spent about 3 hours on this...and now it's 2 AM, and I have to wake up in 4 hours. Oh well.

    Details, Details, a Mahou Sensei Negima fanfic - FanFiction.Net


    Don’t you just hate it when you forget those little things that don’t matter much, but end up being important later in life? Like today, for example, when I forgot got all ready to take a shower, got inside of said shower, and went to wash my hair when I realized that I realized that we were out of shampoo. It doesn’t really mean much, but it’s still your reason for being in the shower in the first place.

    I call this temporary amnesia.

    Don’t see how this affects me later in life yet? Well, it just so happens that I knew that the shampoo was all gone, and had actually made a trip to the store specifically for the stuff. And had, upon returning home, proceeded to leave it in the shopping bag on the kitchen counter.

    At this point, I had two options. First, I could simply turn off the shower, get out, and be on my way. This defeats the whole purpose of the shower, however, as I’d be just as smelly as before, my hair would still be messed up, and on top of it all, I’d be sopping wet. Then there was option two: get out of the shower, go grab the shampoo, and come back wash my hair. Normally, I’d be afraid of scarring my poor roommate/teacher for life with such an act, but he and my other roommate, Asuna, were out for the day, so it should’ve been safe.

    Carefully, I stepped out of the shower, only to almost kill myself by slipping on the wet tile floor. I managed to catch myself on the towel rack, cursing under my breath as I twisted my wrist backwards to do so. Thinking it better to be safe than sorry, though, I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around myself – even when Negi Springfield was nowhere to be found, his proneness to perversion and everything that he touched was somehow a force to be reckoned with.

    The squeak of the door, the light friction of maple against carpet, and I was outside, and feeling very thankful that I had grabbed my towel.

    Now there is something worse than forgetting little things that don’t matter much but end up being important later, and that is forgetting big things that are really important, which make life so much of a living hell that it’s almost humorous until you realize that this is happening to you.

    I call this stupidity.

    There, in the middle of my dorm room was the reason I had bought shampoo in the first place, if you want to think about it that way. I mean, I’m supposed to look nice for those stupid o-miais, but it’s not those creepy older men I dress up for. I couldn’t care less if they saw me in a potato sack, actually, but it’s not like that, it can’t be like that, because she’s there, too.

    Somehow, I had completely forgotten that today was one of those lovely little o-miai days. Oh, still be my heart, for all that passes through me might just make me swoon from excitement.

    They’re actually not all that bad, because I like having someone in there with me so that those perverts don’t try anything funny (and let’s face it, gramps is too old to notice stuff like that), so Setsuna gets to “escort” me to the meetings. And she does her bodyguard job pretty well – every possible suitor gets the death glare from the time they enter to the time they leave. I think they find it a turn-off, which is just really too bad…I was so looking forward to hooking up with a guy twice my age.

    Not that it really matters, but I’m not all that interested in either of those: guys twice my age…or guys, period.

    It all flooded back to me, like a faucet left on over night (I made a mental note to go back and turn off the shower later)…seeing as today was a marriage meeting day, I had invited Setsuna over, which explained why she was leaning against the doorway of my dorm room (I made another mental note to remember to lock the door when I’m in the shower).

    She had been alerted to my presence by the soft opening of the bathroom door and, no doubt, the squeak I made upon seeing her. Her face quickly turned a shade of red that I had previously thought inhumanly possible, and started to study the pattern of the soft shag carpet. My face was probably a similar color to hers by this point.

    “I, um…soap…”I mumbled vaguely, gesturing toward the countertop in a stuttered explanation. She nodded understandingly, as if what just came out of my mouth had actually made sense, but her eyes still remained firmly downward.

    Secchan was still blushing, too, and oh how cute it was! It’s really hard to explain just how attractive that little tint of color is, but somehow the embarrassment of it all, what she could be thinking, and that I was the cause of it all was enough to make me melt on the spot…

    No, Konoka, not now, my internal voice of reason argued, and I grudgingly complied. What was I doing again? Ah yes, shampoo, and if I didn’t get it soon things would only get more awkward.

    Gathering all the courage I could muster, I marched over past the doorway to the kitchen, swiped up that trouble-causing hair product, and turned on my heel to return to the bathroom.

    …Only to realize that I was still sopping wet, and that I was falling, falling, falling. My hand groped out for something to save myself with…nothing. I was in the middle of the kitchen, after all, and nothing was in reach. My wrenched shut automatically, my teeth gritting in preparation for impact.

    And suddenly, I landed with a whump on something was far too soft to be the kitchen tile. My eyes blinked open, and I found my fire-engine faced friend under me. Her arms were wrapped awkwardly around my back, which was somehow very arousing. We just sat there for a very long moment, and I’m not sure what she was doing, but through my head rushed a series of situations that, in retrospect, awe me that a nose-bleed didn’t occur.

    “Th-thanks,” I eventually managed to utter, and I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks. God, I know it shouldn’t have been so flustered, but being practically naked on top of your romantic interest makes it hard to act under normal circumstances.

    I tried to push myself off of her, and make that completely naked as my towel decided that it wanted to detach itself from me at what was most likely the most inappropriate time possible. A quick “Eeep!” from me, a suspicious trickle of red liquid down her nose, and I found my body once again pressed against hers. On second thought, maybe this situation wasn’t such a bad thing…

    “You’re probably late to your meeting by now,” she remarked, a bit more casually than I would normally expect from her.

    “Oh darn,” I replied, grinning. “I’d much rather be spending time with some old creeper than with you.”

    Secchan’s blush darkened, but she continued. “Your grandfather will be upset. You know how much he wants to find you a partner.”

    “But…I don’t need a partner,” I whispered. “Not when…”

    She gave me an odd look, and I knew that it was now or never.

    “…not when I have you.”

    There went that blush again. “O-ojou-sama, you can’t say such things. People will take it the wrong way!”

    She still wasn’t getting it, or, more likely, was logicing herself out of it ‘It’s too improper!’ I practically heard her say, and had to suppress a giggle.

    “But…what if that’s how I want people to take it?” I knew she knew what I meant by this, but I had to clear up any doubt. Oh, I felt bold right then, and whether it was love that surged through me then, or a rush of adrenaline, or quite possibly both, I did
    what I never thought it would.

    I leaned forward and kissed Secchan. The little moment of hesitation I originally had was lost as my lips crushed against hers, and knew that everything was right in the world. My eyes were closed, but I could tell that she was wide-eyed. Suddenly, the irritating little buzz of uncertainty flew back to me. What if she doesn’t like me? It was all in my head…just wishful thinking? I slowly pulled myself off of her.

    Now I couldn’t even look at her. “I…I’m sorry Secchan,” I said, trying to hide the warm tears that were threatening to roll down my face. “Let’s just forget this ever happened, okay? I promise I won’t bother you agai-“

    I was cut off by a pair of warm, soft lips. This was unexpected, but I certainly wasn’t complaining. After my initial period of shock, I kissed back, hard, moaning against her mouth. Grabbing her head, I slid her hair out of its ponytail so that I could run my hands though her hair. I slipped my tongue against her bottom lip, and it forced its way into her mouth. Our tongues battled for dominance for a while, eventually ending with Setsuna as the victor. We can’t let her have all the fun, though, can we?

    For the second time I pulled away from her, but this time was entirely different from before. “This is much more fun than the o-miai,” I whispered, resting my nose on hers.

    “Definitely,” Secchan agreed, blush still present but fading slightly.

    “Y’know…you’re not dressed for the occasion very well right now, Secchan,” I said, changing the subject entirely. I was surprised at how husky my voice had gotten, and judging by Secchan’s renewed blush, I decided that it wasn’t such a bad thing.

    “I mean, I’m practically naked…”I gave her a moment to think about the implications before continuing, “And you’re still dressed for that silly old o-miai.” I tutted in mock disappointment. “Really now, Secchan…I guess I need to fix this for you.”

    I propped myself up a bit so that I was straddling her, and she immediately looked away. Oh yeah, the towel fell off. “I think it would be best if you matched my current state of dress, so I don’t feel all alone,” I purred, loosening her tie. My hands moved down the silk of her shirt, undoing one button at a time, the anticipation killing me.

    Finally, I opened her shirt to reveal what could only have been the essence of perfection. “Ah…Kono-chan…” Just as I was about to unwrap the gloriousness of it all, though, I remembered the third thing that I had forgotten. Or rather, it remembered me.

    My dorm room door burst open with a crude bang, and I froze. Ohhhh dear, what now?

    “Konoka, I’m ho-“ Thunk. Whatever Asuna had been previously holding had just become acquainted with the floor, as she had obviously just seen what she had just walked in on.

    The three of us froze for a minute, with Asuna’s eyes flicking back and forth from me to Secchan to the towel to Secchan’s not-so covered chest, then back again. After a while, though, she finally decided to voice her thoughts.


    “Shit,” I muttered, then turned to face her brightly. “Hi, Asuna! What’s up?”

    She was beginning to regain her senses, I think, and a bit of rage that came with it.

    “What’s up? What’s up?” she asked through gritted teeth.

    “Yes, ‘what’s up’. You see, it’s a sort of saying we have these days that means-“

    “Would you kindly explain why the hell I come home after a long day to find my best friend naked and stripping my other best friend?”

    “It’s, uh….not what it looks like?” I tried, grinning up at her.

    “Well then, what is it?” she asked skeptically, raising one eyebrow. “I mean, I’m totally cool with you two being together, but not with you getting down and dirty in the place I eat my breakfast!”

    At this point, poor Secchan regained her senses. “Uhhhh….I should be going now. I’ll just leave you two to your room.”She carefully untangled herself from me, handed me my towel, and made a mad rush for the door.

    “Hold on a minute,” Asuna said, grabbing Secchan’s shirt before she could escape.

    “Don’t think you’re getting off scott-free, missy.”

    “Ah!” I exclaimed, pounding my fist into my palm. “Asuna! I just remembered, I’m late for my o-miai!”

    “What?” Asuna was so shocked by my random outburst that let Secchan go. Both turned to face me.

    “But…there’s really no time to change, so I guess we’ll just go like this!” I concluded, and before it could sink in, I leaped off the floor, tied my towel around me, grabbed Secchan’s hand, and raced out the door.

    “Hey wait, you can’t go out in public like tha-!” I could faintly hear in the distance, but it was too late. I had already grabbed Secchan and sprinted out the door.

    Secchan looked at me quizzically. “Kono-chan…wasn’t your o-miai supposed to start about 10 minutes ago?”

    I simply smiled at her as we slowed down, reaching her dorm room. “Silly Secchan. We’re going to be much too busy to be going to any meetings any time soon.”

    don't let anyone tell you that you're not beautiful
    even me, especially me

  9. #9
    The World's Full Of Ways & Means To Waste Time
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    Yo mama!

    That was good. And i dont read negima much.

    But, you've got me interested. ;P

    Im gonna go read it now. Again, That was good.
    Quote Originally Posted by MasterKentaroShakeManye View Post
    Neji is cool, and the rest of you suck
    [Today 11:06 pm] Ebenezer Shittingway: Alcohol. It just works.

  10. #10
    Is immune MetalLark's Avatar
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    I thought this thread said, "Toko's FIX." =O

    Heheh.... *ahema*

    Anyways since I did read it I just figured I had the right to post.

    I have never read a Negima anything in my life so I don't appreciate this thread as much as I should.

    Yet, regardless of that I thought it was ok, or satisfactory.
    WARK WARK (Rage!!! >_<) Wark!!

  11. #11
    Aniki is my King
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    Wow, Dan says something I wrote was good. What a shocker. But really, thanks, it means alot.

    So, Mr. Perverted Lark, WHY have you never read Negima?
    Last edited by tainted violets; 1 May 2009 at 10:06 pm.

    don't let anyone tell you that you're not beautiful
    even me, especially me

  12. #12
    Is immune MetalLark's Avatar
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    Perverted? A "fix" mainly refers to drugs miss K.

    The reason why I have never read any Negima is probably because I look at it and I am already bored. I like supernatural or super science fiction stuff but magical genre bores be to no end.
    (I.E. this means I don't like Harry Potter or Erigon Dragon or any of that other stuff)
    WARK WARK (Rage!!! >_<) Wark!!

  13. #13
    The World's Full Of Ways & Means To Waste Time
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    You forgot about how you jizz nonstop for MGS.

    I want to read it again, I mean negima, but I don't remember where I am, and it's gonna take so long getting back there. Ugh. If I had/borrowed the books, maybe I could. Toko. Mail/post me your negima books.
    Quote Originally Posted by MasterKentaroShakeManye View Post
    Neji is cool, and the rest of you suck
    [Today 11:06 pm] Ebenezer Shittingway: Alcohol. It just works.

  14. #14
    Is immune MetalLark's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hyuga Neji View Post
    You forgot about how you jizz nonstop for MGS.


    *hehe, MGS is AWESOME!
    WARK WARK (Rage!!! >_<) Wark!!

  15. #15
    Aniki is my King
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    I remember reading these fics, but i don't think i read 'em both here.

  16. #16
    Is immune MetalLark's Avatar
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    May 2008
    Bloomfield NM Emerica
    Quote Originally Posted by Fox View Post
    I remember reading these fics, but i don't think i read 'em both here.
    WARK WARK (Rage!!! >_<) Wark!!



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