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Thread: Bal's Tabletop Works

  1. #1
    Sovereign of Animeb Balmung's Avatar
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    Bal's Tabletop Works

    I figured, as motivation to keep myself posting here and as something of a reminder to log on--

    That I would post thoughts and ideas for upcoming tabletop adventures I'll be running, and characters I create. I will also use this thread to inform people of tabletop adventures and perhaps encourage people to play online d20 games, and perhaps expand knowledge of tabletop in general.

    I will edit this starting post so as to make it look more presentable in the near future.

    So I have spoken.


    The Basics

    A group of friends gathers at a table. One of them is the gamemaster (also known by other names, most famously the Dungeon Master in Dungeons & Dragons). The gamemaster uses game rules and her imagination to create an environment, be it fantasy, science fiction, horror, or something altogether different. The other players each create a character, which might be a cunning elven warrior, daring spy, steampunk scientist, or any other sort of protagonist suited to the setting created by the gamemaster.

    The gamemaster then creates situations in which the players face challenges of all kinds, from dragons raiding the city, to viruses causing a zombie outbreak, to political machinations at the Federation of United Worlds. The players react to these challenges, telling the gamemaster what their characters will do, and rules determine how conflicts are resolved. Dice are used to determine the outcome of those conflicts, be they physical, mental, social, or otherwise.

    Over the course of several sessions of play, more challenges are faced, the player characters grow and change, and stories unfold. Every tabletop roleplaying session is unique, because every gamemaster and player brings their own imagination and creativity to the game. It’s a blend of game and improv theater that brings people together, exercises the imagination, and provides limitless opportunities for discovery and adventure.


    My Experience:

    Let's see, I started Roleplay in March of 2004, so I've seen all kinds of systems and variations on RP in general. But something that's always interested me is this mythological thing called D&D or Tabletop, something that a lot of people shunned or you hear jokes about every now and again. Somewhere along 2012, I finally found a group of people my own age group to play with. I don't care who you are, playing with someone closer to you in age group makes things all the more fun.

    That said, I had a rough time the first go. I was helped in the creation of a Neutral Evil Swashbuckler for my first campaign, a character that I never got to use as the campaign never fell through. I was disappointed but didn't give up. I proceeded to play in another campaign where I started trying to make something more my speed. Enter the Warforged Juggernaut--

    "Built for a war that has ended, searching for purpose"

    As most of you know, I'm actually a big fan of Mecha, as shown by my time in the Mecha Brigade as run by ShinigamiDuo. So I ask, what is not to love about a giant magical robot-ish creature that is built for war? I felt like I was basically a Gundam, and that my friends is a great failing. Now I'm not saying I'm some savant of D&D or something, but it was a great first step into seeing the benefits of playing something you like. The characters build was somewhat wonky, and I did sometimes feel mostly useless, but it was fun. We'll also say that there are certain benefits to having a character that doesn't need to eat/sleep/etc which proved quite beneficial. I might touch upon this story later.

    Though it was fun, that campaign ended rather quickly and a few other hit & miss campaigns came up until we finally hit a bullseye with another campaign that just really made me review the rules and go crazy. It was a different system then D&D 3.5, but I soon learned that this system was fun, offered quite a bit, and that my friends...Is Star Wars. I know, weird, but I'm sucker for Star Wars and the addiction that was tabletop came right here. A character I built from scratch went on to be a Smuggler, Mechanic, and later on a Starship Designer. This character being Nyhl Feloran--

    "Me: *Initiative Roll* I shoot First. DM: Of course you do."

    Trust me, nothing pulls you into a game faster then building a character around a certain job and then exceeding expectations of everyone else as a newer player. The system was interesting enough that I managed to not only smuggle, earn money, and fly over Tattooine whilst firing at enemies below before outracing Imperial Tie Fighters. But I managed to modify a YT-2400 into a thing of beauty, before earning enough money to build a ship from scratch which was a fascinating experience.


    These are at least two early examples of characters that I made when first entering into the fray that was tabletop roleplaying. It's now a hobby of mine, and I've actually managed to DM at least two separate games with satisfactory results. One being a Mass Effect game which Aoshi Shinomori was a part of, and a sort of Warriors of Time-type game of my own creation where Death himself gathered characters from across time. Characters that died horrible deaths and whom would be afforded another chance at life if they served Death's purpose in righting wrongs throughout the timeline. And let me tell you, the players had a bunch of amusing characters...

    So suffice to say, I've got tales, woes, and ideas for future games. All of this is what I plan on putting down in this thread which should really be a blog, but MEH. A promise is a promise, thanks for the show that at least someones reading this stuff´Silæs and everyone else. If I can get more posts in this thread, I'll just keep adding more and more as I can. Foremost in my mind is perhaps an example of how to build a character by our house rules, or a sneak peak at the Gundam Campaign I've devised for my players. Regardless, let me know what you think.
    Last edited by Balmung; 21 Aug 2015 at 3:53 am.
    You'll laugh at your fears when you find out who you really are

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryo Misaki View Post
    I think only Bal's truly neutral.
    Quote Originally Posted by Miroku View Post
    ".....Ye, though I walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, I shall fear no Evil.... for I am the meanest Son-of-a-bitch in the Valley!"

  2. #2
    Aniki is my King 'Silas's Avatar
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  3. #3
    Sovereign of Animeb Balmung's Avatar
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    Did a Major update on the first post of the thread, let me know what you guys think for the next topic. As it is now, I think I'll go straight into character creation.

    Also, please enjoy the song whilst reading. There is a youtuber that I avidly watch whom uses the song as his intro, but I rather do love Blind Guardian. I find the song totally appropriate for now though, and will replace it with something more unique to myself later since I know Aoshi's going to say something. At best, it's a tribute to Noah Antwiler as he's the bard I wish I could be.

    Any Questions about tabletop or toward me and my experiences in the game I will also do my best to answer.

    I'll also do fun things like compare characters in series/anime/movies to Tabletop characters/classes and even try to build characters based on people on site. ´Silæs as first poster would be a prime example.
    Last edited by Balmung; 15 Aug 2015 at 3:32 am.
    You'll laugh at your fears when you find out who you really are

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryo Misaki View Post
    I think only Bal's truly neutral.
    Quote Originally Posted by Miroku View Post
    ".....Ye, though I walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, I shall fear no Evil.... for I am the meanest Son-of-a-bitch in the Valley!"



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